The world of Amateur Radio (HAM) Communications

October of 1979 I because a ham radio operator. I was only licensed as technician class at the time, but I did my fair share of communicating around the country. September of this year I finally took the test for Amateur Extra. This is the highest class allowed in the US and lets me operate on the entire amateur radio spectrum. That is a whole lot of radio frequencies and modes I can use.

One of the current ham things that has piqued my interest is POTA or Parks On The Air. All over the world state and federal parks have been assigned numbers and my fellow ham operators will set up in one of the parks and “Activate” that park, These activators set up on a ham frequency and call CP POTA. Other hams listen for those calls and answer them. These hams are called “hunters”. Well I have been happily hunting. I have also worked a few special event stations. These stations are setup at places like NASA to celebrate special occasions.

The real fun comes with trying to communicate as far as possible, Tonight I managed to add Northern Ireland and Italy to the list of countries I have worked.

More later.

73’s de N2BLY